Friday, May 27, 2022

The Medical Profession is failing their patients

It is so unbelievably frustrating to see almost all medical professionals have ZERO understanding about nutrition and therefore, ZERO idea about true health management. Ask almost any doctor or nurse who Caldwell Esselstyn - Colin Campbell - Dean Ornish - John McDougall - Neil Barnard – Garth Davis - is – they will not know. Ask them if they know a Whole-foods Plant-based diet (WFPB) has REVERSED many forms of heart disease – cancer – diabetes – and other conditions – nope, they will not know.

I have met endocrinologists who did not even understand diabetes! Who still tell people to avoid ‘fruit sugar’ (fruit), which is probably the only thing that could really help them! I’ve met people with terrible angina/atherosclerosis – who were chronically medicated and in need of cardiac artery bypass surgery (CABG) – desperate to have someone give them any thread of hope beyond a major surgery and overall poor long-term outcomes. Does their doctor or nurse tell them that there is a possibility this can be fully reversed – that they have a chance for a cure? That they can likely outlive all expectations by making a simple change? Nope. They don’t tell people because they don’t know. Instead, you go under the knife, you stay on pharmaceuticals, and you will probably be dead within 10 years. And regardless - with no changes to lifestyle you will simply redevelop or perpetuate the same chronic conditions.

People are convinced that they have all these GI disorders (no one seems to notice the unbelievable numbers of GI disorders this ‘medically advanced’ civilization is fraught with), but people consume GMOs and pesticides and the SAD (Standard American Diet) foods every single day. GMOs are GRAS and not proven safe for consumption! But - ask your doctor or nurse about them. Again, sadly, they probably will not know. And while I could write pages about GMOs, pesticides, chemicals, and manipulation of our food system, others have done far better than I in explaining this very real potentially devastating health issue and it is incumbent on individuals – particularly anyone who claims to be an informed medical professional - to spend the time properly researching. It is simply impossible to convey the info of a very long time spent studying our food system and nutrition into a brief blurb on social media!

Consuming ANY animal protein is NOT healthy (‘Meat’ of ANY KIND [yes, including fish – a whole topic unto itself] or ANY animal milk/dairy or eggs). Not in any amount. Nope, not even teeny-weeny amounts. Consuming any amount of these products has NEVER demonstrated to reverse or even control the above-named diseases by diet alone and in fact even consuming tiny amounts have shown to increase the signs and symptoms of disease. Furthermore, oils are not generally healthy – yes, even the beloved olive oil – generally not as ‘healthy’ as good marketing would suggest.

The ‘healthy’ diets recommended by the ADA, AHA, or any other ‘diet’ promoted – Paleo (a health nightmare) – Mediterranean (better) – have NEVER shown to have the remarkable health benefits comparable to a whole-foods plant-based way of eating. Read the following articles if my words alone are not convincing:

For Type 2 Diabetes, Report Finds Plant-Based Diets More Effective Than Diabetes Organization Recommendations

Vegan Diet Reduces Inflammation More than AHA-Recommended Diet

And what about Protein? A great marketing term. No doctor is treating anyone for protein deficiency except in very rare medical conditions. No vegan or plant-based person is protein deficient if they are eating real food. Protein is a marketing ploy to get people to consume more death keep us ill. The protein push is merely good advertising to sell shitty products which do nothing for our personal health and wellness.

And by-the-way, carbohydrates are NOT the enemy. The following video isn’t very long and it is extremely interesting regarding carbohydrates and food consumption and includes information on the true mechanism of diabetes (ignore the fact that he is responding to a fellow extremely uninformed doctor in the video and listen to what he has to say – a great video where he sums a lot of information up quickly!).

My point in all this babbling is we must start at the truth, as best we can determine the truth to be. We can deviate from that baseline if we choose, but that choice should be made after being informed by your responsible medical professional what the line actually is. The baseline ‘truth’ for health management and disease prevention is a WFPB (Whole-foods Plant-Based) low-to-no oils way of eating. It doesn’t mean everyone will do this. It means it is the baseline of the healthiest most protective diet there is for the human body. It means giving a possible ‘get out of jail’ card from the conditions they are suffering for those who seek it.

Last but certainly not least - NO pharmaceuticals are good for you. NONE of them. They ALL screw up something else in some way, shape, or form and should be avoided unless a last resort. Supplements are also generally unnecessary except as a handy way to sell you more crap which will likely serve only to put your body out of balance. True homeostasis is achieved by eating right for our human anatomy and by protecting/promoting our inner terrain.

I absolutely follow a 100% plant-based way of eating for ethical reasons. It is also a huge benefit to my health overall and I lack nothing/I have no deficiencies. Do I eat some ‘unhealthy’ plant-based foods? Yes. I am not stating that every single person will choose to follow the ‘ideal’ perfectly. But again, what I am saying is we MUST start with the truth and let people have the choice based on knowing the true information available. Some people WILL choose to change, there are literally thousands of testimonials of people who have dramatically improved their health and therefore their quality of life. All people deserve the chance for wellness if it exists for them.

Dr. Anthony Lim – great short videos – doctors are often in awe as they realize the truth!

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Every sentence I write sparks a new thought – a new detail I could share. It would be many pages to even address the dire situation we are in with gross misinformation and the overall terrible state of health of most people. But no matter how much info or how many links I include on this post it won’t make a difference. My peers will either do the work it takes to learn, or they won’t and they will go on wreaking health havoc and behaving questionably ethically – whether intentional or by chosen ignorance – as they are making a huge omission of information that might help the patients they are obligated to in their role as their professional medical guidance. 

People look to medical professionals for help. For a possible answer. We have one - and it’s incredibly simple - but we don’t seem to care. Most I have spoken to have dismissed me outright and go on with their infliction of suffering - the never-ending disease-perpetuation industry of injecting and prescribing and cutting. Sadly, all that means to me is they don’t really care about you or your family. That is discouraging. Frankly, it is also incredibly appalling. The info is out there, but the very last thing they want is for doctors and nurses to be truly well-informed and overcome the ruthless control of Big Pharma and Big Ag in their practice.

"Doctors should be criticized and penalized for using drugs and surgery when a change in diet and lifestyle would achieve similar or even better medical outcomes.”
~ John McDougall, MD

It is critical we come to understand how ALL medical professionals are fully complicit in the ever-rising rates of ALL diseases. How we are actually the #1 killer out there - by far. An informed medical professional can truly change the world for someone in ways they never thought possible. I have seen it for myself many times. But instead, we are encouraged to follow their nutrition-ignorant drug-prescribing, endlessly injecting, knife-wielding guidelines and remain mindless Big Pharma and Big Ag and Big Corporation profit-generating slaves. It doesn’t have to be this way. is an intro. There is much more to be learned. But it’s a start. Then tell your doctor, nurse, peers, etc. We can begin to resolve the ongoing - and ever-worsening - health crisis immediately, if we choose to do so.

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“Physicians will often advise patients to follow the dietary guidelines put out by the USDA, which turns out to advocate much more for farmers and their profits than it does for human health. The dairy and meat industries are powerful influences on the guidelines while the kale lobby is, well, nonexistent. In addition, doctors are barraged by the same media as the general public, with its confusing frenzy of changing diet theories which are mostly put out to sell a book or a product. It is highly likely, therefore, that you (even if you are just starting your investigation of a whole food, plant-based diet) know more about the role of diet on health than your physician…While this is completely unacceptable, please don’t be too hard on your doctor. Very few doctors are in it for the money or status; most work long hours under difficult conditions because they really want to help people. They are doing their best with the education that they have received. So the next time you see your doctor, consider dropping off a copy of Forks Over Knives (along with a compassionate hug)! At some point your doctor is going to have to face the fact, just like I did, that much of the medical misery he’s spent his life patching up could have been prevented if he had told his patients how important a whole-food, plant-based diet is for health. And it will not be a good day for him.”
- Dr. Kerri Graff
Most Doctors Want You to Get Healthier, and are not in Bed with Big Pharma


Friday, April 1, 2022

The Oath to 'Do No Harm'

I have been a Registered Nurse for 25+ years now. I have worked in hospitals, rehabs, drug and alcohol treatment, adolescent health, home care, pediatrics, and hospice. I have treated people of every age, gender, nationality, religion, and socioeconomic status.

As individuals I would assure you that most doctors and nurses certainly do want to help you. But they don’t understand the harm they inflict. In the ‘medical’ field we are often guilty of mindlessly following Big Pharma guidelines and allowing these huge corporations to thrive in your misery and to profit from your desperation and sadness.

I didn’t always understand how much suffering we are creating. Sadly, most medical professionals still don’t. 

It is commonly acknowledged that the medical profession itself is the 3rd leading cause of death (due to “medical errors”). The truth is the medical profession far surpasses anything else as the #1 cause of death and disease perpetuation based on our ignorance of true health promotion and/or what is anatomically optimal for the physiological function of the human body.

In my career I have given countless injections and infusions, changed bandages on thousands of wounds, taught pre-op and post-op care for surgical interventions, taught medication purposes and use and ensured your compliance with pharmaceuticals, told you to avoid salt, drink water, ease off the soda. But for years I hadn’t told you how you might be able to get better. How you might have a chance at a different life. I hadn’t told you how to get off those medications and take care of the inner terrain of your body for true healing.

I watched people get increasingly ill. I have watched disease rates explode despite doctors throwing 5-10-15-20 prescription drugs at people. I saw children getting sicker and sicker…and I began to question why.

I found out we endlessly fund research to ‘cure’ diseases, all while knowing it will go mostly nowhere. I found out we put many drugs on the market we know are likely to harm you – even kill you – because profits are more important than people. I found out how we suppress the truth and publish biased information to maintain profits. Over the years I have come to clearly see the greed-driven complex the health [death] machine has become.

I am perpetually surprised and extremely dismayed that my colleagues still are not questioning the obvious declining health of the entire population. Shame on them.

As I began to fully understand our catastrophic level of failure, how much we are letting you down, how long we have so easily ignored the obvious – I was both shocked and angry. I try to speak. Most fellow health ‘professionals’ continue to ignore my voice.

The level of pharmaceutical indoctrination is extremely deep. I often find myself frustrated and even angry as I watch them inflict a never-ending procession of harm, suffering, and disease. Not all of them. But the overwhelming majority. We need to change that number.

Speaking broadly, the health care system and ever-increasing “health care crisis” is poorly managed and largely based on drugging people until they are dead.

I continue to hope to see my fellow doctors, nurses, and all health professionals make a change. To truly help promote health. To support people to live the highest quality life we can offer.

"Let food be thy medicine." 
~ Hippocrates

We know what most are dying from, it is actually obvious. We are eating to death.

The scientific and conclusive answer is not actually in dispute. People who follow a whole-foods plant-based (WFPB) diet statistically live longest with least disease. We see it in populations all over the world and right here at home. Additionally, the potential detrimental effect of consuming GMOs and the slathering of our bodies with chemicals should also be part of that conversation, among other obvious ways we toxify our inner terrain into ‘illness’.

“Poor health is not caused by something you don't have; it's caused by disturbing something that you already have. Healthy is not something that you need to get, it's something you have already if you don't disturb it.”
~ Dr. Dean Ornish

As a Registered Nurse, I had almost no nutrition education in school. None of us do. Doctors are rarely educated on food as medicine. But food is medicine and is much safer than pharmaceuticals. When you truly wrap your head around this incredibly simple concept – when you truly understand how much what you eat matters - you become shocked at how obvious that statement is and wonder how you missed its significance for so long.…

About 15 years ago my husband went to his primary care physician. He was put on Lipitor (to lower his cholesterol) and Omeprazole (because he was getting heartburn at times). See you in a year.

That was one of the first times I began to understand our role in your demise. Just 2 scraps of paper – drugs probably for life? It was also about that time I had begun taking it upon myself to truly learn about nutrition. It wasn’t hard to find there were safer, more health-promoting alternatives. What was hard was knowing some valid evidence had been right in front of me the whole time – How had I had maintained my ignorance for so long?

I learned things that absolutely blew my mind. I felt tricked, swindled. My husband and I changed. Right away. We changed what we eat, and it completely changed how we think. The transformation was nothing short of amazing.

Now my husband’s cholesterol level is fully controlled. He no longer gets heartburn. He never took either med.

I want you to know. I want to tell you the truth. Maybe my voice is too quiet. I am trying to be loud, but I am not always heard. At times fellow health professionals get offended, the subject can make people feel I am questioning their values, their personal decisions, their lifestyle. The consumption of animal proteins is deeply ingrained in our society and tradition, even in light of its severely detrimental effect on the entirety of our well-being and ecology.

“A seismic revolution in health will not come from a pill, procedure, or operation. It will only occur when the public is endowed with nutritional literacy.”
~ Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., MD

It is our oath, our obligation, our duty to teach people how to be healthy. How can we feel good about ourselves when we are not giving them the correct information? When we don't tell someone how they might significantly reduce their disease - or prevent disease altogether?

"Doctors should be criticized and penalized for using drugs and surgery when a change in diet and lifestyle would achieve similar or even better medical outcomes.”
~ John McDougall, MD

This writing deals primarily with the body’s immediate healing response to plant-powered food - what is optimal for maintaining the perfect homeostatic machine. But there is evidence that a WFPB diet affects us in other positive physical ways as well.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The poisons the ‘medical’ profession administer as ‘medicine’ are numerous. I am sad to tell you not to trust them. Do not let them saturate you or your loved ones with their toxins.

Individually medical ‘professionals’ are not bad people…but collectively they are deeply indoctrinated and are frequently complicit in the perpetuation of harm.

“With health care in the news, we are reminded of the billions of dollars that could be saved if we educated ourselves on the power of a whole-food, plant-based diet. We see the concept as so simple and comprehensive that it’s mind-boggling more people aren’t taking it seriously.”
~ Dr. T. Colin Campbell

I encourage you to take control of your life and health. Educate yourself - and then do your doctor a huge favor - educate them too. 

“Very few doctors are in it for the money or status; most work long hours under difficult conditions because they really want to help people. They are doing their best with the education that they have received. So the next time you see your doctor, consider dropping off a copy of Forks Over Knives (along with a compassionate hug)! At some point your doctor is going to have to face the fact, just like I did, that much of the medical misery he’s spent his life patching up could have been prevented if he had told his patients how important a whole-food, plant-based diet is for health. And it will not be a good day for him.”

Friday, January 28, 2022


1. "The cause of most disease is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give in order to effect a cure." Charles E. Page, M.D.

2. "The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning." Henry Lindlahr, M.D.

3. "Every educated physician knows that most diseases are not appreciably helped by medicine." Richard C. Cabot, M.D. (Mass. Gen. Hospital)

4. "Medicines are of subordinate importance because of their very nature they can only work symptomatically." Hans Kusche, M.D.

5. "If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity" O.W. Holmes, (Prof. of Med. Harvard University)

6. "Drug medications consists in employing, as remedies for disease, those things which produce disease in well persons. Its materia medica is simply a lot of drugs or chemicals or dye-stuffs in a word poisons. All are incompatible with vital matter; all produce disease when brought in contact in any manner with the living; all are poisons." R.T. TraIl, M.D., in a two and one half hour lecture to members of congress and the medical profession, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.

7. "Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature's protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time." Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.

8. "Every drug increases and complicates the patients condition." Robert Henderson, M.D.

9. "Medicine is only palliative, for back of disease lies the cause, and this cause no drug can reach." Wier Mitchel, M.D.

10. "The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine." William Osler, M.D.

11. "Medical practice has neither philosophy nor common sense to recommend it. In sickness the body is already loaded with impurities. By taking drug - medicines more impurities are added, thereby the case is further embarrassed and harder to cure." Elmer Lee, M.D., Past Vice President, Academy of Medicine.

12. "Our figures show approximately four and one half million hospital admissions annually due to the adverse reactions to drugs. Further, the average hospital patient has as much as thirty percent chance, depending how long he is in, of doubling his stay due to adverse drug reactions." Milton Silverman, M.D. (Professor of Pharmacology, University of California)

13. "Why would a patient swallow a poison because he is ill, or take that which would make a well man sick." L.F. Kebler, M.D.

14. "What hope is there for medical science to ever become a true science when the entire structure of medical knowledge is built around the idea that there is an entity called disease which can be expelled when the right drug is found?" John H. Tilden, M.D.

15. "The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines, is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; and the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned." Charles Armbruster, M. D.

16. "We are prone to thinking of drug abuse in terms of the male population and illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. It may surprise you to learn that a greater problem exists with millions of women dependent on legal prescription drugs." Robert Mendelsohn, M.D


The bartender gave me the hangover disease again

If you go out to the bar and you "overindulge" (drink more poison then your current tolerance level) you pay the price right? Either that night you spend praying to the porcelain god or the next morning you have a debilitating hang over.

If someone asks you what happened? Why are you vomiting, have diarrhea, are nauseous, have a headache, etc, what do you tell them?

Do you say I drank too much?

Or do you say the bartender sneezed and I caught microscopic beasties from him that invaded my body and gave me a hangover disease?

Silly right?

Of course you don't say that.

You know that ingesting poison has consequences and those consequences are called a hangover.

Yet every year from October to April (Halloween till Easter) humans gorge themselves on toxins and trigger detox events (food hangovers) called "colds" and "flus". Since we have been taught to fear our bodies cleaning themselves, we call these cleaning and healing events "getting sick" even though we are getting well from them.

Crazy right?

And even though we overindulged and gave ourselves a food "hangover" which requires cleaning symptoms to eliminate the toxins and excess waste from our system, we still believe, without a shred of evidence, that our cold and flu detox healing events are invasions by microscopic beasties causing “disease”.

And that belief is highly profitable for the disease for profit industry which heavily promotes this fear of our bodies healing themselves. Without this fear we cannot create epidemics of Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, etc which are a trillion dollar a year business...

-by Lauren Whiteman

If there is no virus, why are people dying?

COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying?

by Jon Rappoport
January 6, 2022

Yesterday, I published one of my articles explaining how the existence of SARS-CoV-2 was fabricated - when, actually, the virus doesn’t exist at all.

Naturally, people who haven’t been reading the 450 or so articles I’ve written about the pandemic fraud then ask, “So why are all these people getting sick and dying?”

Today, I’m republishing one of my articles that answers that question:

Since the beginning of this false pandemic, I’ve been offering compelling evidence that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.

Then people ask, “So why are all these people dying?”

I have explained that, many times, and in this article I’ll explain it again.

First of all, the whole notion that COVID-19 is one health condition is a lie. COVID IS NOT ONE THING.

This is both the hardest and simplest point to accept and understand.

Don’t reject the existence of the virus and then say, “So what is THE cause of people dying?” There is no ONE CAUSE. There is no one illness. There is no “it.”

By far, the biggest sources of illness we are dealing with are lung conditions: called pneumonia, flu, flu-like disease, TB, other unnamed lung/respiratory problems.

THESE ARE BEING RELABELED “COVID.” It’s a repackaging scheme. People are dying for those traditional reasons, and their deaths are being called “COVID.”

Thus, the old is artificially made new. It’s still old.

In this wide-ranging group of people who have traditional lung conditions, by far the largest population is the elderly and frail.

They are dying in nursing homes, in hospitals, in their houses and apartments. In addition to their lung problems, they have been suffering from a whole host of other conditions, for a long time, and they’ve been treated with toxic drugs for years.

They’re terrified that they might receive a diagnosis of “COVID,” and then they ARE given that diagnosis. THEN they’re isolated, cut off from friends and family. They give up and die.

This is forced premature death.

Some of these elderly and frail people are heavily sedated and put on breathing ventilators—which is a killing treatment. In a large New York study, it was discovered that “COVID” patients over the age of 64, who were put on ventilators, died 97.2 % of the time. Staggering.

Many of these elderly and frail people are put on antiviral drugs—e.g., remdesivir—which are highly toxic.

Some of these elderly and frail patients are now dying from reactions to the COVID vaccine—and of course, their deaths are listed as “COVID.”

Why else are people dying? In many cases, it’s a simple matter of bookkeeping. They die in hospitals for a variety of reasons, and staff write “COVID death” on their files. In the US, states receive federal money based on these statistics.

Let’s say that, in certain places around the world, there are clusters of deaths (being called COVID) that can’t be explained in the ways I’ve just described.

In those situations, you would have to examine EACH situation closely. For example, just prior to an outbreak in Northern Italy, was there a vaccination campaign? What was in the vaccine? A breed of toxic substances?

You have to consider each cluster independently.

Getting the picture?

None of the “COVID deaths” anywhere in the world requires the existence of a new virus.

For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first “COVID” cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is HEAVILY polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of those deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.

Now, add to all this the fact that the PCR test for the (non-existent) virus is rigged so it spits out positive results like a fire hose. Thus, the high case numbers.

The “pandemic” is invented.

The fraud is promoted.

During these fake epidemics (there have been many), someone will say: “But my neighbor’s son, who was very healthy, died suddenly. It must be the virus.”

No. People who appear to be healthy do die. Not just today, but going back in history as far as you want to go. No one has an explanation. They might have an explanation if they looked very closely, but they don’t look closely.

Favoring the “virus explanation” is a bias, a knee-jerk reaction, a response to propaganda.

If you think there must be other major reasons to explain “why all these people are dying,” keep in mind that “lung conditions” is a category that expands all over the globe. For instance, there are about one BILLION cases of flu-like illness EVERY YEAR on planet Earth.

Repackaging/relabeling just a small percentage of those cases alone would account for all official COVID death numbers.

What’s new about COVID is the COVID STORY. That’s what’s being sold: a STORY about a COVID virus.

I’m aware that authors have been presenting other reasons for people who have been getting sick and dying since early 2020. I’m not necessarily rejecting those reasons. But if some of them are true, they only represent part of the picture. Again, it’s not one thing that’s killing people.

There is a programmed impulse to say, “If it isn’t X, then it must be Y. If X isn’t the cause of people dying, then Y must be the cause.” That’s the basic lie. It’s the basic lie of all so-called pandemics.

It’s also a con. At the highest levels of planning, propagandists (inventers of reality) know that people are willing to buy one explanation for one phenomenon.

But “COVID” isn’t one phenomenon. There is no “it.”

And there is no single cause.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Spanish Flu


This 'disease' did not spread outwards in all directions like a contagious disease is supposed to, it popped up almost simultaneously in several army barracks amongst soldiers. Coincidentally in preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

One of the startling things they said about the disease was how it seemed to knock the young and fit the hardest. Like soldiers? And that it would be fast, like one day fit and healthy the next day dead. Sort of like as if they’d been poisoned!!

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley. They had around SIX MILLION soldiers to experiment on.

WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once.

They decided to reclassify this as a new disease (Spanish Flu) How did all the people at home start dying when the soldiers came home if it wasn’t contagious? Answer- Well they didn’t want them to catch it so they vaccinated them too.

An American called Eleanor McBean who’s parents were doctors at the time wrote that “only the vaccinated died”. Her unvaccinated parents caught nothing from the sick people they treated.

Another culprit seems to be the newly invented wonderdrug ASPIRIN. People were given doses as high as 400 times the lethal dose we use today as soon as they showed symptoms.

There was of course hysteria going on in the UK surrounding the news of deaths from a new contagious disease plus soldiers already suffering post traumatic stress were committing suicide and even murder in their madness, even this madness was blamed on the flu, not the war.

“Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms.

The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”.

Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.” So yet again it seems vaccines and drugs were the cause of this ‘plague’ maybe add in a splash of injury and stress too from the war.


The Error of Germ Theory

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Contagion called into question

The aforementioned study was published in 1919, and its purpose was to determine influenza’s mode of spread. It was carried out on a group of 100 volunteers from the U.S. Navy and took place on an island in Boston Harbor called Gallops Island.

"According to a document from The American Association of Immunologists, at the time these experiments were conducted, many scientists believed that influenza was caused by what was then known as Pfeiffer’s bacillus. This is because during the influenza pandemic of 1892, a German doctor named Richard Pfeiffer isolated these bacteria from influenza patients.

That being said, the first thing they did in the experiments at Gallops Island was administer a “rather moderate amount” of “a pure culture of bacillus of influenza, Pfeiffer’s bacillus” into the nostrils of some of the volunteers.

Nothing happened, so they decided to administer “a very large quantity of a mixture of thirteen different strains of the Pfeiffer bacillus” to 19 of the volunteers by spraying it into their nose, eyes, and throat while they inhaled. Still, none of them got sick.

Next, they “collected the material and mucous secretions of the mouth and nose and throat and bronchi” from influenza patients in Boston hospitals and administered this to ten of the volunteers.

This study took place during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, so there was certainly no shortage of influenza patients at the time.

Basically, they allowed these people, who were sick with influenza, to cough and blow their noses into a tray after gargling and/or washing out the nostrils with a sterile salt solution, and mucous was also swabbed from their throats and nostrils. This mixture was then sprayed into the nostrils, eyes, and throats of the volunteers, and it was also instilled (dispensed with an eye dropper) into some of the volunteers. However, even after all this, no one got sick.

At this point, the doctors running the experiments suspected that perhaps the reason nobody got sick was that these secretions had to travel up to four hours to get from Boston hospitals to the test subjects on Gallops Island, and “the virus was perhaps very frail, and could not stand this exposure”.

So, they tried the experiment again, but this time they had the material rushed to Gallops Island in only an hour and forty minutes. Also, they administered six times as much material to each subject as they did in the previous experiment, but still, none of them fell ill.

Next, they suspected that “it is possible that the salt solution might be inimical to the virus”, so in an attempt to eliminate “all other outside influences”, they “transferred the material directly from nose to nose and from throat to throat” using cotton swabs on the end of sticks. It’s not clear whether they brought patients to Gallops Island or had the Navy volunteers visit the hospital(s), but in any case, they made sure to try this with patients who were on their first day of the disease, as well as with those on their second and third days. Again, none of the volunteers came down with anything.

In the next experiment, blood was taken from the arms of influenza patients and then injected into ten volunteers, but even this couldn’t get anyone sick.

Then the doctors “collected a lot of mucous material from the upper respiratory tract” and ran it through filters which block normal sized bacteria and only allow “ultramicroscopic” organisms to pass through. They injected this filtrate into ten volunteers, and, you guessed it, nobody got sick.

Next, they wanted to simulate the way that influenza is supposed to spread naturally.

They brought ten volunteers to the U. S. Naval Hospital at Chelsea, where there was a ward filled with influenza patients. Here, the volunteers were made to be in close contact with these patients, shaking their hands, sitting by their bedsides and talking with them, and then, while “muzzle to muzzle” the patients breathed out as hard as they could while the volunteers breathed in. This was done five times.

They even went so far as to have the patients cough directly into the volunteers’ faces. This was also done five times.

Each volunteer went through this whole process with ten different influenza patients at various stages of the disease. But incredibly, even after all this, the volunteers were watched carefully for a whole week, and surprise, surprise, none of them got sick.

In addition, it also points out that two of the doctors who worked on the experiments conducted a similar study at Goat Island, San Francisco, and “they were unable to reproduce the disease” in these tests, as well.

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