Friday, October 29, 2021

Spanish Flu


This 'disease' did not spread outwards in all directions like a contagious disease is supposed to, it popped up almost simultaneously in several army barracks amongst soldiers. Coincidentally in preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

One of the startling things they said about the disease was how it seemed to knock the young and fit the hardest. Like soldiers? And that it would be fast, like one day fit and healthy the next day dead. Sort of like as if they’d been poisoned!!

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley. They had around SIX MILLION soldiers to experiment on.

WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once.

They decided to reclassify this as a new disease (Spanish Flu) How did all the people at home start dying when the soldiers came home if it wasn’t contagious? Answer- Well they didn’t want them to catch it so they vaccinated them too.

An American called Eleanor McBean who’s parents were doctors at the time wrote that “only the vaccinated died”. Her unvaccinated parents caught nothing from the sick people they treated.

Another culprit seems to be the newly invented wonderdrug ASPIRIN. People were given doses as high as 400 times the lethal dose we use today as soon as they showed symptoms.

There was of course hysteria going on in the UK surrounding the news of deaths from a new contagious disease plus soldiers already suffering post traumatic stress were committing suicide and even murder in their madness, even this madness was blamed on the flu, not the war.

“Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms.

The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”.

Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.” So yet again it seems vaccines and drugs were the cause of this ‘plague’ maybe add in a splash of injury and stress too from the war.


The Error of Germ Theory

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Contagion called into question

The aforementioned study was published in 1919, and its purpose was to determine influenza’s mode of spread. It was carried out on a group of 100 volunteers from the U.S. Navy and took place on an island in Boston Harbor called Gallops Island.

"According to a document from The American Association of Immunologists, at the time these experiments were conducted, many scientists believed that influenza was caused by what was then known as Pfeiffer’s bacillus. This is because during the influenza pandemic of 1892, a German doctor named Richard Pfeiffer isolated these bacteria from influenza patients.

That being said, the first thing they did in the experiments at Gallops Island was administer a “rather moderate amount” of “a pure culture of bacillus of influenza, Pfeiffer’s bacillus” into the nostrils of some of the volunteers.

Nothing happened, so they decided to administer “a very large quantity of a mixture of thirteen different strains of the Pfeiffer bacillus” to 19 of the volunteers by spraying it into their nose, eyes, and throat while they inhaled. Still, none of them got sick.

Next, they “collected the material and mucous secretions of the mouth and nose and throat and bronchi” from influenza patients in Boston hospitals and administered this to ten of the volunteers.

This study took place during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, so there was certainly no shortage of influenza patients at the time.

Basically, they allowed these people, who were sick with influenza, to cough and blow their noses into a tray after gargling and/or washing out the nostrils with a sterile salt solution, and mucous was also swabbed from their throats and nostrils. This mixture was then sprayed into the nostrils, eyes, and throats of the volunteers, and it was also instilled (dispensed with an eye dropper) into some of the volunteers. However, even after all this, no one got sick.

At this point, the doctors running the experiments suspected that perhaps the reason nobody got sick was that these secretions had to travel up to four hours to get from Boston hospitals to the test subjects on Gallops Island, and “the virus was perhaps very frail, and could not stand this exposure”.

So, they tried the experiment again, but this time they had the material rushed to Gallops Island in only an hour and forty minutes. Also, they administered six times as much material to each subject as they did in the previous experiment, but still, none of them fell ill.

Next, they suspected that “it is possible that the salt solution might be inimical to the virus”, so in an attempt to eliminate “all other outside influences”, they “transferred the material directly from nose to nose and from throat to throat” using cotton swabs on the end of sticks. It’s not clear whether they brought patients to Gallops Island or had the Navy volunteers visit the hospital(s), but in any case, they made sure to try this with patients who were on their first day of the disease, as well as with those on their second and third days. Again, none of the volunteers came down with anything.

In the next experiment, blood was taken from the arms of influenza patients and then injected into ten volunteers, but even this couldn’t get anyone sick.

Then the doctors “collected a lot of mucous material from the upper respiratory tract” and ran it through filters which block normal sized bacteria and only allow “ultramicroscopic” organisms to pass through. They injected this filtrate into ten volunteers, and, you guessed it, nobody got sick.

Next, they wanted to simulate the way that influenza is supposed to spread naturally.

They brought ten volunteers to the U. S. Naval Hospital at Chelsea, where there was a ward filled with influenza patients. Here, the volunteers were made to be in close contact with these patients, shaking their hands, sitting by their bedsides and talking with them, and then, while “muzzle to muzzle” the patients breathed out as hard as they could while the volunteers breathed in. This was done five times.

They even went so far as to have the patients cough directly into the volunteers’ faces. This was also done five times.

Each volunteer went through this whole process with ten different influenza patients at various stages of the disease. But incredibly, even after all this, the volunteers were watched carefully for a whole week, and surprise, surprise, none of them got sick.

In addition, it also points out that two of the doctors who worked on the experiments conducted a similar study at Goat Island, San Francisco, and “they were unable to reproduce the disease” in these tests, as well.

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German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka initially offered 100,000 euros to anyone who could provide scientific evidence that the measles virus existed. He had initially been ordered to pay up in court after Doctor David Bardens attempted to claim the prize after providing the biologist with a study that had been published in a medical journal. At that time, a Judge in the regional court in Ravensburg, South Germany, ruled in the favour of Dr. Bardens in a controversial decision claiming the criteria for evidence had been met.

The First Civil Senate of the BGH confirmed a judgment by the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) on in February 2016. The sum of 100,000 euros which was offered as a reward for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus did have to be paid to the plaintiff. The plaintiff also was ordered to bear all procedural costs.

Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski who had been appointed by the OLG Stuttgart as the preceding court, have consistently found that none of the six publications which have been introduced to the trial, contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus.

In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognised laboratories, including the world's largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently. The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.


All About That Measles Trial by Tracey Northern



“Without question the go-to disease to defend vaccines is polio. Coincidently it's also the greatest lie and medical con job of all time. Toxins Causing "Polio" is well documented. Polio is the virus that never was.

1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'

1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.

1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report the Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that 'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).

1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.

1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69 children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.

1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead arsenate residues.

1921: Franklin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.

1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.

1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.

1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected.

1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis.

1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.

1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.'

1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend, notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion residues.

1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on infants and children have even been considered.'

1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with anti toxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol and ascorbic acid. Example: Dr. F. R. Klenner reported: 'In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care... The treatment was massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly... All patients were clinically well after 72 hours.'

1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were the major cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces in the blood of polio victims.
Comment: This was a no no. The viral causation theory was not something to be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities were threatened. Biskind and Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule.

1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.

1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'

1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of sales of DDT to third world countries.
(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that, polio cases sky rocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause huge spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)

1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou-Gehrig's Disease), MS, MD etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line and sinker and to this very day, many pro vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.

1962: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published.

1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.

2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP. MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symtpoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.

Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.”



A White Paper On The Viral-AIDS Hypothesis
By Robert Willner

The history of medicine contains a plethora of instances in which physicians have acted tragically under "consensus of opinion" rather than relying on substantial scientific evidence. This practice has its origins in the long-held concept that medicine is an "art" rather than a science. In recent decades, the major advances in technology have allowed us to emerge from the "dark ages" of diagnostic and therapeutic doctrines that were often based on personal prejudice and "medical politics". Unfortunately, we have also fallen victim to fraudulent scientific papers because of the inherent trust we place in our colleagues engaged in arcane areas of medical research. In the early 1980’s, physicians became aware of what appeared to be an emerging epidemic which is now known throughout the world as AIDS. Along with all of my colleagues, I eagerly followed the releases from the "authorities" about the progress of the disease and the involved explanations related to behavior of the new retrovirus which was given the designation HIV. In spite of my relative ignorance about retroviruses, I became suspicious that something was awry when retrovirologists, who had spent twenty years and in excess of twenty billion dollars in research on viruses, became involved in extensive apologetics with reference to HIV. They began to use terms such as "mysterious" and "intelligent" in the ever growing number of additional hypothetical explanations needed in the attempt to clear up the contradictions arising with reference to the original virus -- AIDS HYPOTHESIS. I underscore the word hypothesis to remind my colleagues that the so-called AIDS virus has never been proven scientifically to cause any disease, let along AIDS. Every scientific pronouncement is without laboratory proof and is mere supposition.

Allow me to be presumptive enough to speak on behalf of some of our most respected colleagues in the area of research on AIDS; Dr. Peter Duesberg, Professor Molecular Biology, University of California at Berkeley, the world’s foremost retrovirologist; Dr. Charles A. Thomas, Professor of Microbiology, Harvard; Dr. Kary Mullis, six-time Nobel Candidate, Nobel Laureate, 1993 and discoverer of the Polymer Chain Reaction. These are just a few of the hundreds of prominent scientists who have banded together to form "The Group For The Reevaluation Of The AIDS Hypothesis". I have spent five years in researching as many scientific papers and lay periodicals as possible in order to try to fully understand the enigma of the phenomena called AIDS. Everything I have read and verified has confirmed the suspicions which grew out of the obvious contradictions of the "hypothesis" and the practical experience from treating AIDS victims. AIDS is not an enigma, our medical texts have clearly defined the causes of acquired immune deficiencies for over fifty years. What appeared to be an emerging epidemic amongst homosexuals, occurred as a result of three coincidental phenomena; the advent of the "drug culture" of the sixties, the use of amyl nitrite ("poppers") and the visibility of the "gays" as a group when they "came out of the closet". If we add two other obvious factors, starvation in Africa (long recognized as the major cause of immune deficiency) and the use of AZT, the enigma of AIDS becomes crystal clear. The "mysterious" and the "intelligent" virus suddenly becomes the uneventful, ordinary, inanimate piece of dead tissue that it is.

Dr. Robert Willner; 1994, had over 40 years of experience and was an outspoken whistleblower of the AIDS hoax.

In front of a gathering of about 30 alternative-medicine practitioners and several journalists, Willner stuck a needle in the finger of Andres, 27, a Fort Lauderdale student who says he has tested positive for HIV. Then, wincing, the 65-year-old doctor stuck himself. 

In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac. This demonstration of devotion to the truth and the Hippocratic Oath he took, nearly 40 years before, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. His appearance on Spain's most popular television show envoked a 4 to 1 response by the viewing audience in favor of his position against the "AIDS hypothesis." When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind."

He tested negative multiple times. 

He died of a heart attack 4 months later on the 15th of April in 1995

Kary Mullis - American biochemist, chemistry Nobel laureate, and inventor of PCR tests – was also questioning the AIDS/HIV narrative.

Watch this video for Kary Mullis discussing the absolute lack of any scientific data available:

When asked about Anthony Fauci, Kary Mullis stated:
"Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, and he doesn’t know anything really about anything. Nothing…He should not be in a position like he’s in…You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to and a smugly like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people, face out, and lie directly into the camera."
Kary Mullis died suddenly in August 2019.

A note to my friends


Things I have read the past few days have me slightly annoyed with some of those who claim to be on ‘my side’. You are not on ‘my side’ if you aren’t willing to do the research to learn the underlying truth and truly understand it.

We all know the PCR tests are fake/false - as were the death counts (gunshot wounds, suicides, car accidents, - anyone with a 'positive' test within 30 days, basically) and the illness classification to inflate numbers (e.g. no 'flu' deaths, etc.).

In addition to these commonly acknowledged fallacies, it has been pointed out multiple times that Covid does not exist, that viruses and contagion and Germ Theory are Big Pharma lies. That we can prove it DOES NOT EXIST, except in a computer program.

Furthermore, there were no global numbers to indicate a pandemic in 2020. The numbers just aren't there.

Yet – despite the overwhelming evidence we present over and over (and over) again, I still read people on ‘my side’ who “think they have/had Covid” or are quoting some “99.8 percent recovery rate” or propping up controlled opposition shills such as Malone or Kennedy (among many others)...or saying ridiculously unproven babble such as “people have more antibodies/protection after infection” or promoting Big Pharma and unnecessary supplements while spouting bullshit like "Ivermectin cures Covid" or any one of these completely I-am-just-repeating-what-others-say-but-I-have-done-no-research-for-myself statements that completely REVERSES the basic principles of it NOT EXISTING. Of perpetuating LIES.

You didn’t have it. Uncle Joe didn’t test positive for anything. Your sister’s friend’s grandmother didn’t die from something that DOESN’T EXIST.

And vegans – with the zoonotic virus thing – just stop. Consuming animal proteins makes us sick, yes. The bacteria and shit and microorganisms and pus, yes. But there is no raging mutant zoonotic ‘virus’ so just stop.

Listen – if anyone is naïve enough to think this is the first time…that you are the first to take on this fight? You are WRONG. So stop your LARPing as a false 'woke' hero and get a grip on reality. Read about what really happened in 1918 flu. Or HIV/AIDS. Or Polio. Many examples. So far the victors are the evil ones – or you would believe a very different history than you do.

Do you want to re-write history? Or just barely get over the inconvenience? Because if you want to truly change the world you have to understand this has happened before…and it will happen again unless you start getting on board with some TRUTH and stop fucking saying ridiculous things that show your lack of independent thought and research and have you totally contradicting the TRUTH.

Start here - please stop spreading false information.

Click this link. Make an actual effort to UNDERSTAND the real story.

Thank you

The error of Germ Theory and ‘viruses’

In the history of virology there's never been a truly isolated virus. This is important because Germ Theory of viral transmission only benefits Big Pharma and demonstrates many logical flaws when held up to true scientific principles. 

What is generally meant by isolation - which has never been done - is to take a sample from an 'infected' patient and directly view and isolate the so-called 'virus' under such technology as an electron microscope. Bacteria are scientifically provable, and this can be done. This cannot be done with so-called 'viruses'. All known 'viruses' are computer-simulated gibberish. 

If you read page 43 of their own document (FDA website) you will see that they openly admit to having taken a simulation out of stock and there was no *Covid* samples available for comparison.
page 43 (page 43 in most browsers - found under 'Performance Characteristics')
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA...”

That is merely fancy language for multiplication of computer-simulated strands that prove no existence of anything.

We then use inappropriate ‘testing’ methods such as PCR and claim it demonstrates the ‘virus’, conveniently ignoring that a PCR test set on a high cycle could show everyone has Ebola and many other so-called ‘viruses’ too.

Pellagra was labeled a contagious disease until they found out it was a nutritional deficiency. Typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, and other ‘infectious diseases’ disappeared when people were provided clean water and sanitation. Polio was/is associated with DDT/other toxins. Toxins and poisons and deficiencies are more frequently the cause of what people call viruses...which aligns more scientifically with Terrain Model. 

Most people’s ‘opinion’ is that viruses are identifiable vectors for us to potentially catch a contagious illness. But that is simply not true. The reality is - in any true measurable data performed under actual scientific principles of Koch’s postulates – no one has never successfully isolated a ‘virus’. So-called ‘viruses’ are merely computer simulated mental constructs.

Please watch this video “Viruses are Mental Constructs” from Dr. Stefan Lanka

They take a sample, and they spin it and then they add certain culture mediums and grow something, then they amplify it, filling in the gaps and creating the sequences with computer technology. Then they call it a 'virus'. 

‘Viruses’ as we know them are able to be patented. However, no ‘product of nature’ patents are allowed. You cannot patent a naturally occurring bacteria as they are a ‘product of nature’. So why can you patent a ‘virus’? The answer is they are man-made and not ‘naturally occurring’ e.g. computer simulations.

And again (same as posted above) this video from Dr. Lanka explains this process:
“Viruses are Mental Constructs”

Many medical people have a difficult time even considering the error of Germ Theory because they think they have seen these phenomenon for their own eyes...but in most cases they should just look a little closer. For example: Urinary Tract Infections have run rampant through facilities in what seems like 'outbreaks' but we would not consider UTIs an 'infectious' disease. So why do even non-'viral' symptoms often appear in clusters? 

We must be willing to consider that everything we think to be true might not be true at all if we want to create a truly healthy and educated society.

In March of 1919 Rosenau & Keegan conducted 9 separate experiments in a group of 49 healthy men, to prove contagion. In all 9 experiments, 0/49 men became sick after being exposed to sick people or the bodily fluids of sick people.

In November 1919, 8 separate experiments were conducted by Rosenau et al. in a group of 62 men trying to prove that influenza is contagious and causes disease. In all 8 experiments, 0/62 men became sick. Another set of 8 experiments were undertaken in December of 1919 by McCoy et al. in 50 men to try and prove contagion. Once again, all 8 experiments failed to prove people with influenza, or their bodily fluids cause illness. 0/50 men became sick. In 1919, Wahl et al. conducted 3 separate experiments to infect 6 healthy men with influenza by exposing them to mucous secretions and lung tissue from sick people. 0/6 men contracted influenza in any of the three studies.

In 1920, Schmidt et al conducted two controlled experiments, exposing healthy people to the bodily fluids of sick people. Of 196 people exposed to the mucous secretions of sick people, 21 (10.7%) developed colds and three developed grippe (1.5%). In the second group, of the 84 healthy people exposed to mucous secretions of sick people, five developed grippe (5.9%) and four colds (4.7%). Of forty-three controls who had been inoculated with sterile physiological salt solutions eight (18.6%) developed colds. A higher percentage of people got sick after being exposed to saline compared to those being exposed to the “virus”.

In 1921, Williams et al. tried to experimentally infect 45 healthy men with the common cold and influenza, by exposing them to mucous secretions from sick people. 0/45 became ill.

In 1924, Robertson & Groves exposed 100 healthy individuals to the bodily secretions from 16 different people suffering from influenza. The authors concluded that 0/100 became sick as a result of being exposed to the bodily secretions.

In 1930, Dochez et al. attempted to infect a group of men experimentally with the common cold. The authors stated in their results, something that is nothing short of amazing. “It was apparent very early that this individual was more or less unreliable and from the start it was possible to keep him in the dark regarding our procedure. He had inconspicuous symptoms after his test injection of sterile broth and no more striking results from the cold filtrate, until an assistant, on the second day after injection, inadvertently referred to this failure to contract a cold. That evening and night the subject reported severe symptomatology, including sneezing, cough, sore throat and stuffiness in the nose. The next morning he was told that he had been misinformed in regard to the nature of the filtrate and his symptoms subsided within the hour. It is important to note that there was an entire absence of objective pathological changes”.

In 1937 Burnet & Lush conducted an experiment exposing 200 healthy people to bodily secretions from people infected with influenza. 0/200 became sick.

In 1940, Burnet and Foley tried to experimentally infect 15 university students with influenza. The authors concluded their experiment was a failure.

So a common question – “If there is no such thing as a infectious virus, then why did diseases decline and/or vaccines eradicate these diseases?”

There is plenty of evidence available to answer this question. Vaccines never eradicated anything. An unbiased review of the evidence demonstrates vaccines have never been demonstrated to work at all – unless harming people and making a lot of money for pharmaceutical companies is the definition of 'working'.. 

Disease declined because of improvement in the human TERRAIN.

“The 19th-century population shift from country to city that accompanied industrialization and immigration led to overcrowding in newly populated cities that lacked proper sanitation or clean water systems. These conditions resulted in repeated outbreaks of cholera, dysentery, TB, typhoid fever, influenza, yellow fever, and malaria. By 1900, however, the incidence of many of these diseases had begun to decline because of public health improvements, implementation of which continued into the 20th century.

Sanitation & Hygiene

Local, state, and federal efforts to improve sanitation and hygiene reinforced the concept of collective ‘public health’ action (e.g. to prevent infection by providing clean drinking water). By 1900, 40 of the 45 states had established health departments. The first county health departments were established in 1908.

From the 1930s through the 1950s, state and local health departments made substantial progress in disease prevention activities, including sewage disposal, water treatment, food safety, organized solid waste disposal, and public education about hygienic practices (e.g. food handling and handwashing).”

1871-1872 England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, it experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. (The Hadwen Documents)

In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940 and by 1945 diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don`t Get Stuck, Hannah Allen)

In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had been injected with these vaccines. (Med Journal of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)

In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, 1990) 

In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)

In the 1970`s a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)

In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts")

In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People`s Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn)

In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times. (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981) 

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunizations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc., were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water." Dr Andrew Weil, Health and Healing

Around 1900-1930, scientists weren’t at all decided on which theory was correct. Germ theory took root after Rockefeller funded germ theory advocate Louis Pasteur “won” the discussion by presenting fraudulent proof of infection against terrain theory advocate Antoine Béchamps.
Another nail in the terrain theory coffin was the Rockefeller funded Carnegie Flexner report which weaponized politics in favor of centralized, drug-based medicine against natural medicine. It was a hostile takeover.
Why would somebody want this falsehood sustained?
Because fear for organisms invading your body sells drugs and vaccines. Viruses also provide a cover explanation when people get sick from environmental toxicity or to perpetrate a pandemic power grab for totalitarian control.

Another video with Dr. Stefan Lanka and some of the experiments he is doing:
The Final Refutation of Virology:

Germ Theory is simply untrue. We are being repeatedly poisoned and it is all based on complete deception and fabrication. We need to stop them this time.

Break the cycle.

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If you have a Telegram account you can watch many interesting videos here:

Book recommendations:

Friday, October 1, 2021

Opposed to Vax Mandates

I am a RN in the state of MA. I have over 25 years of experience as a RN. I am writing with some very grave concerns regarding the management of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting vaccination programs and vaccination mandates.

Increasingly Covid-19 vaccinations are being required as conditions of employment and education, and they are being recommended to progressively younger ages. As the Covid-19 vaccination has become a current or looming future condition of a person’s ability to be gainfully employed or attend school - potentially taking away their ability to meet basic needs without being vaccine compliant - I appeal to you give my letter true consideration before passing judgment. I will try to be as brief as possible.

As you may know – but just in case - established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is supposed to be a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S. vaccines. VAERS accepts - and is then supposed to analyze - reports of adverse events (possible side effects) after a person has received a vaccination. While anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS, it is illegal to file a false VAERS report and health care professionals are required to enter a VAERS report with suspected reactions.

As of the September 17, 2021 VAERS data release, there are 15,386 deaths reported to VAERS and 726,965 reports of adverse reactions - some severe and life-altering - reported to VAERS from the Covid-19 vaccines. This is numerically more than ALL VACCINES COMBINED in the past 30 years of reporting. Additionally, it is worth noting that consensus acknowledges that a very low percentage of true numbers are actually reported to the VAERS system.
These numbers/the existing VAERS reports can be viewed/searched here:

In an FDA ‘Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee’ on 9/17/2021, evidence was presented that Covid vaccines are potentially “killing more people than they save”, and that evidence is demonstrating that “heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these [Covid] vaccines compared to any other vaccine” along with additional extremely troubling testimony on both the vaccines’ safety and the vaccines’ efficacy.
FDA Testimony/Clipped for time:

Recently Jodi O’Malley, RN, MSN; of the US Department of Health and Human Services, and Hospital Physician's Assistant Deborah Conrad revealed not only the significant health issues resulting from the vaccine and is being evidenced by VAERS data - but even more concerning - confirming the under-reporting of vaccine injuries and deaths in response to the Covid-19 vaccine. Their words and what they describe witnessing should be of serious concern to all of us:

Jodi O’Malley, RN, MSN; of the US Department of Health and Human Services:
Hospital Physician's Assistant, Deborah Conrad

The video with Jodi O'Malley was so compelling that Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] demanding a “full review of all HHS health care systems nationally to ensure full compliance with vaccine injury reporting laws including reporting all adverse events occurring after the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

There is strong evidence that the numbers of people who are ill and/or hospitalized are high in those who have been vaccinated – possibly much higher than is being admitted. This global phenomenon is seen – not only in Israel (data mentioned in FDA video above with seemingly poor vaccine outcomes) – but everywhere. In an interview on 9/25/21 with Prime Minister Boris Johnson they were forced to admit that 60% of the people hospitalized have been double vaccinated. Although some erratic explanation followed, I think it seems clear that all of these combined facts actual defies their ‘explanation’ and is just not rational. 

On the Senate floor in September 2021 Senator Ron Johnson provided data that demonstrated 63% of deaths were of the of the fully vaccinated:

An article of some concern, published September 25, 2021, titled ‘Health crisis UK’ states:

"A second health crisis is quietly emerging across Britain according to health experts. They say that thousands of excess deaths, that were not caused by covid, have been reported since the start of July.
The numbers reported are unusually high for the summer months.…..Could it be anything to do with the covid vaccinations?
MSN reports: Although excess deaths are expected during the winter months, when cold weather and seasonal infections combine to place pressure on the NHS, summer generally sees a lull.
This year is a worrying outlier.
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), since July 2 there have been 9,619 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which 48 per cent (4,635) were not caused by Covid-19.
So if all these extra people are not dying from coronavirus, what is killing them?
Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows that during that period there were 2,103 extra death registrations with ischemic heart disease, 1,552 with heart failure, as well as an extra 760 deaths with cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and aneurysm and 3,915 with other circulatory diseases.
Acute and chronic respiratory infections were also up with 3,416 more mentions on death certificates than expected since the start of July, while there have been 1,234 extra urinary system disease deaths, 324 with cirrhosis and liver disease and 1,905 with diabetes."

Every death-inducing condition listed above as causing “excess deaths” can be viewed in report after report after report on VAERS in the United States. This is not a coincidence.

Many people are trying to be heard but their voices are being suppressed. For example, an inquiry by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 on September 10, 2021, asked for stories with the words, “Did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19?” The responses were overwhelming - but possibly not what was expected - as thousands and thousands of first-hand accounts of vaccine injury and death quickly piled up. Noticeably absent were reports of people asserting they had lost an unvaccinated loved one to so-called Covid-19.

So much the overwhelming response - 239K comments posted at the time of this writing - it triggered an article titled, ‘Unexpected and heartbreaking: Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories’.

It doesn’t seem to be in question anymore that death or life-altering side effects can potentially occur when injecting this – vaccination (some experts - advise it is not, in fact, a ‘vaccination’ as it is entirely nontraditional and its mechanism – both immediate and long-term - is insufficiently studied).

I adamantly object to anyone being placed in a position of playing some form of proverbial ‘Russian Roulette’ to participate in gainful employment, education, or to partake in any aspect of life as a free individual, for that matter.

In September 2021, a consortium of over 35 groups of doctors and scientists across the globe – formally known as the Corona Committee Conference - held a press conference and called for an immediate stop to the vaccination programs, citing questionable contents found in the vaccinations and significant safety concerns. Their assertion is that anyone who continues to promote these vaccinations after being made aware of these significant issues is potentially allowing crimes against people on a massive scale.
Partial summary of findings:
Full Committee Press Conference:
Press conference announcement and link to above video:

Dr. Luc Montagnier, who is a Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, issued a grave warning regarding taking the vaccines, stating, “we are currently facing the greatest risk in the history of humanity,” as we truly do not understand the potential effects. He, along with several other esteemed doctors and scientists, have signed a sworn affidavit alleging “crimes against humanity in international courts.

Additionally, myocarditis is being seen after vaccination, most commonly in young males. The risk of myocarditis and severe reactions after vaccination continue to be under-reported and - at best - unclear. Data being gathered from Israeli suggests the rates of myocarditis are much higher than estimated. To even consider mandating this on a population who have no risk of death from 'Covid' is unconscionable.

A report published on September 30, 2021 stated, "Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group. "

Any doctor or 'expert' who is trying to tell the truth, to warn people of the dangers, are being professionally smeared and their voices are being silenced. 

We have used an admittedly faulty testing method (PCR) through this pandemic. It is generally accepted that amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable, but the WHO recommended 45 cycles in testing for 'Covid'. With that threshold, the likelihood of false-positives is 89-94% - or near certainty! In fact, PCR tests are useless for the detection of infections as a positive PCR test does not mean an infection is present or that an intact virus has been found.

So, I would assert – from the evidence I have presented here – from the sources provided and easily verified – that the vaccination program deeply infringes on every individual’s freedom and bodily autonomy. To coerce people into invasive medical procedures that has death as a potential side effect just to be able to meet their basic needs is a very dangerous – and frankly unethical - direction for us to proceed. Mandating anything that 1) cannot be removed at the end of a work or school day, or 2) may cause irreparable harm – this being provable fact, not an assumption of potential harm – is simply clearly and unquestionably ‘wrong’ in the stark eyes of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.

The censorship of information that is occurring is unprecedented in my lifetime. I cannot offer you viable explanation as to the motivation for such a campaign of disinformation and suppression of information. There are active smear campaigns run on anyone who speaks out – even if previously highly respected experts in their fields. What is happening right now defies any ‘well-intentioned’ explanation.

I am sincerely asking everyone to join with the people who are simply seeking the truth. The freedom to choose under conditions of fully Informed Consent. It is an ethical obligation equal to protecting people from illness when that is truly the motivation. If health and the protection of the people were the true motivation, we would stop all vaccine mandates immediately and aggressively work towards more transparency with its clinical performance and outcomes.

And to close on a personal story. A wonderful human – a fellow MA RN. She got her second dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination and almost immediately became very ill. Her last message to me was on a Monday, stating how “weak and tired" she was from her second vaccine. Despite seeing her MD and attempting to obtain medical intervention, she dropped dead on Wednesday – quite literally dropped dead - 2 days after her message to me, 7 days after her second injection. It was not a coincidence. She was a dedicated RN and a wonderful human who was bullied into the vaccination to keep her job and she did not survive.

I implore you – to work together to shield humanity - the children, future generations. We need to look out for each other – we the people. So many have died alone - and the mental health issues and suicide deaths, broken families – it would take many more pages to even begin to describe the resulting carnage on the people of the world. We can stop this now.

With apologies for length. I have made a true effort to keep this as short as possible. There is so much additional evidence I could share with you – hopefully I have at least made you aware - if you are not already - there is a very serious problem with these injections, and I would go as far as to question the motivations to continue to push something reported to cause so much suffering and death without appropriate and thorough explanation. 

Please demonstrate your humanity by protecting others who are vulnerable and stand for the guiding principles of their Right to Refuse and the importance of truly Informed Consent. Happy to answer any questions, the information is so copious that I was forced to be very selective and brief on many complex topics.

Thank you so much for your time it is truly appreciated.

More links and further info if anyone is interested:

Full FDA Testimony (where clip above was taken from)

It has been repeatedly admitted that in many circumstances, anyone with a positive Covid test within 30 days was included as a Covid ‘number’ and ultimately added to the Covid statistics.

This is not disputed information, it is widely known and acknowledged that some Covid numbers include gunshots, suicides, car accidents, etc.

Watch from 9:08 and see what they are doing to anyone who speaks out. It is unethical.

Kary Mullis - an American biochemist, chemistry Nobel laureate, and inventor of PCR tests – described PCR testing as “a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. That’s what it is. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.”
When asked about Anthony Fauci, Kary Mullis stated:
"Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, and he doesn’t know anything really about anything. Nothing…He should not be in a position like he’s in…You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to and a smugly like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people, face out, and lie directly into the camera."
Kary Mullis:

Make sure you have an open mind and a desire to learn and to do better. To seek the whole truth. When you are truly ready to do that start here:
The Error of Germ Theory