Friday, April 1, 2022

The Oath to 'Do No Harm'

I have been a Registered Nurse for 25+ years now. I have worked in hospitals, rehabs, drug and alcohol treatment, adolescent health, home care, pediatrics, and hospice. I have treated people of every age, gender, nationality, religion, and socioeconomic status.

As individuals I would assure you that most doctors and nurses certainly do want to help you. But they don’t understand the harm they inflict. In the ‘medical’ field we are often guilty of mindlessly following Big Pharma guidelines and allowing these huge corporations to thrive in your misery and to profit from your desperation and sadness.

I didn’t always understand how much suffering we are creating. Sadly, most medical professionals still don’t. 

It is commonly acknowledged that the medical profession itself is the 3rd leading cause of death (due to “medical errors”). The truth is the medical profession far surpasses anything else as the #1 cause of death and disease perpetuation based on our ignorance of true health promotion and/or what is anatomically optimal for the physiological function of the human body.

In my career I have given countless injections and infusions, changed bandages on thousands of wounds, taught pre-op and post-op care for surgical interventions, taught medication purposes and use and ensured your compliance with pharmaceuticals, told you to avoid salt, drink water, ease off the soda. But for years I hadn’t told you how you might be able to get better. How you might have a chance at a different life. I hadn’t told you how to get off those medications and take care of the inner terrain of your body for true healing.

I watched people get increasingly ill. I have watched disease rates explode despite doctors throwing 5-10-15-20 prescription drugs at people. I saw children getting sicker and sicker…and I began to question why.

I found out we endlessly fund research to ‘cure’ diseases, all while knowing it will go mostly nowhere. I found out we put many drugs on the market we know are likely to harm you – even kill you – because profits are more important than people. I found out how we suppress the truth and publish biased information to maintain profits. Over the years I have come to clearly see the greed-driven complex the health [death] machine has become.

I am perpetually surprised and extremely dismayed that my colleagues still are not questioning the obvious declining health of the entire population. Shame on them.

As I began to fully understand our catastrophic level of failure, how much we are letting you down, how long we have so easily ignored the obvious – I was both shocked and angry. I try to speak. Most fellow health ‘professionals’ continue to ignore my voice.

The level of pharmaceutical indoctrination is extremely deep. I often find myself frustrated and even angry as I watch them inflict a never-ending procession of harm, suffering, and disease. Not all of them. But the overwhelming majority. We need to change that number.

Speaking broadly, the health care system and ever-increasing “health care crisis” is poorly managed and largely based on drugging people until they are dead.

I continue to hope to see my fellow doctors, nurses, and all health professionals make a change. To truly help promote health. To support people to live the highest quality life we can offer.

"Let food be thy medicine." 
~ Hippocrates

We know what most are dying from, it is actually obvious. We are eating to death.

The scientific and conclusive answer is not actually in dispute. People who follow a whole-foods plant-based (WFPB) diet statistically live longest with least disease. We see it in populations all over the world and right here at home. Additionally, the potential detrimental effect of consuming GMOs and the slathering of our bodies with chemicals should also be part of that conversation, among other obvious ways we toxify our inner terrain into ‘illness’.

“Poor health is not caused by something you don't have; it's caused by disturbing something that you already have. Healthy is not something that you need to get, it's something you have already if you don't disturb it.”
~ Dr. Dean Ornish

As a Registered Nurse, I had almost no nutrition education in school. None of us do. Doctors are rarely educated on food as medicine. But food is medicine and is much safer than pharmaceuticals. When you truly wrap your head around this incredibly simple concept – when you truly understand how much what you eat matters - you become shocked at how obvious that statement is and wonder how you missed its significance for so long.…

About 15 years ago my husband went to his primary care physician. He was put on Lipitor (to lower his cholesterol) and Omeprazole (because he was getting heartburn at times). See you in a year.

That was one of the first times I began to understand our role in your demise. Just 2 scraps of paper – drugs probably for life? It was also about that time I had begun taking it upon myself to truly learn about nutrition. It wasn’t hard to find there were safer, more health-promoting alternatives. What was hard was knowing some valid evidence had been right in front of me the whole time – How had I had maintained my ignorance for so long?

I learned things that absolutely blew my mind. I felt tricked, swindled. My husband and I changed. Right away. We changed what we eat, and it completely changed how we think. The transformation was nothing short of amazing.

Now my husband’s cholesterol level is fully controlled. He no longer gets heartburn. He never took either med.

I want you to know. I want to tell you the truth. Maybe my voice is too quiet. I am trying to be loud, but I am not always heard. At times fellow health professionals get offended, the subject can make people feel I am questioning their values, their personal decisions, their lifestyle. The consumption of animal proteins is deeply ingrained in our society and tradition, even in light of its severely detrimental effect on the entirety of our well-being and ecology.

“A seismic revolution in health will not come from a pill, procedure, or operation. It will only occur when the public is endowed with nutritional literacy.”
~ Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., MD

It is our oath, our obligation, our duty to teach people how to be healthy. How can we feel good about ourselves when we are not giving them the correct information? When we don't tell someone how they might significantly reduce their disease - or prevent disease altogether?

"Doctors should be criticized and penalized for using drugs and surgery when a change in diet and lifestyle would achieve similar or even better medical outcomes.”
~ John McDougall, MD

This writing deals primarily with the body’s immediate healing response to plant-powered food - what is optimal for maintaining the perfect homeostatic machine. But there is evidence that a WFPB diet affects us in other positive physical ways as well.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The poisons the ‘medical’ profession administer as ‘medicine’ are numerous. I am sad to tell you not to trust them. Do not let them saturate you or your loved ones with their toxins.

Individually medical ‘professionals’ are not bad people…but collectively they are deeply indoctrinated and are frequently complicit in the perpetuation of harm.

“With health care in the news, we are reminded of the billions of dollars that could be saved if we educated ourselves on the power of a whole-food, plant-based diet. We see the concept as so simple and comprehensive that it’s mind-boggling more people aren’t taking it seriously.”
~ Dr. T. Colin Campbell

I encourage you to take control of your life and health. Educate yourself - and then do your doctor a huge favor - educate them too. 

“Very few doctors are in it for the money or status; most work long hours under difficult conditions because they really want to help people. They are doing their best with the education that they have received. So the next time you see your doctor, consider dropping off a copy of Forks Over Knives (along with a compassionate hug)! At some point your doctor is going to have to face the fact, just like I did, that much of the medical misery he’s spent his life patching up could have been prevented if he had told his patients how important a whole-food, plant-based diet is for health. And it will not be a good day for him.”