Friday, May 27, 2022

The Medical Profession is failing their patients

It is so unbelievably frustrating to see almost all medical professionals have ZERO understanding about nutrition and therefore, ZERO idea about true health management. Ask almost any doctor or nurse who Caldwell Esselstyn - Colin Campbell - Dean Ornish - John McDougall - Neil Barnard – Garth Davis - is – they will not know. Ask them if they know a Whole-foods Plant-based diet (WFPB) has REVERSED many forms of heart disease – cancer – diabetes – and other conditions – nope, they will not know.

I have met endocrinologists who did not even understand diabetes! Who still tell people to avoid ‘fruit sugar’ (fruit), which is probably the only thing that could really help them! I’ve met people with terrible angina/atherosclerosis – who were chronically medicated and in need of cardiac artery bypass surgery (CABG) – desperate to have someone give them any thread of hope beyond a major surgery and overall poor long-term outcomes. Does their doctor or nurse tell them that there is a possibility this can be fully reversed – that they have a chance for a cure? That they can likely outlive all expectations by making a simple change? Nope. They don’t tell people because they don’t know. Instead, you go under the knife, you stay on pharmaceuticals, and you will probably be dead within 10 years. And regardless - with no changes to lifestyle you will simply redevelop or perpetuate the same chronic conditions.

People are convinced that they have all these GI disorders (no one seems to notice the unbelievable numbers of GI disorders this ‘medically advanced’ civilization is fraught with), but people consume GMOs and pesticides and the SAD (Standard American Diet) foods every single day. GMOs are GRAS and not proven safe for consumption! But - ask your doctor or nurse about them. Again, sadly, they probably will not know. And while I could write pages about GMOs, pesticides, chemicals, and manipulation of our food system, others have done far better than I in explaining this very real potentially devastating health issue and it is incumbent on individuals – particularly anyone who claims to be an informed medical professional - to spend the time properly researching. It is simply impossible to convey the info of a very long time spent studying our food system and nutrition into a brief blurb on social media!

Consuming ANY animal protein is NOT healthy (‘Meat’ of ANY KIND [yes, including fish – a whole topic unto itself] or ANY animal milk/dairy or eggs). Not in any amount. Nope, not even teeny-weeny amounts. Consuming any amount of these products has NEVER demonstrated to reverse or even control the above-named diseases by diet alone and in fact even consuming tiny amounts have shown to increase the signs and symptoms of disease. Furthermore, oils are not generally healthy – yes, even the beloved olive oil – generally not as ‘healthy’ as good marketing would suggest.

The ‘healthy’ diets recommended by the ADA, AHA, or any other ‘diet’ promoted – Paleo (a health nightmare) – Mediterranean (better) – have NEVER shown to have the remarkable health benefits comparable to a whole-foods plant-based way of eating. Read the following articles if my words alone are not convincing:

For Type 2 Diabetes, Report Finds Plant-Based Diets More Effective Than Diabetes Organization Recommendations

Vegan Diet Reduces Inflammation More than AHA-Recommended Diet

And what about Protein? A great marketing term. No doctor is treating anyone for protein deficiency except in very rare medical conditions. No vegan or plant-based person is protein deficient if they are eating real food. Protein is a marketing ploy to get people to consume more death keep us ill. The protein push is merely good advertising to sell shitty products which do nothing for our personal health and wellness.

And by-the-way, carbohydrates are NOT the enemy. The following video isn’t very long and it is extremely interesting regarding carbohydrates and food consumption and includes information on the true mechanism of diabetes (ignore the fact that he is responding to a fellow extremely uninformed doctor in the video and listen to what he has to say – a great video where he sums a lot of information up quickly!).

My point in all this babbling is we must start at the truth, as best we can determine the truth to be. We can deviate from that baseline if we choose, but that choice should be made after being informed by your responsible medical professional what the line actually is. The baseline ‘truth’ for health management and disease prevention is a WFPB (Whole-foods Plant-Based) low-to-no oils way of eating. It doesn’t mean everyone will do this. It means it is the baseline of the healthiest most protective diet there is for the human body. It means giving a possible ‘get out of jail’ card from the conditions they are suffering for those who seek it.

Last but certainly not least - NO pharmaceuticals are good for you. NONE of them. They ALL screw up something else in some way, shape, or form and should be avoided unless a last resort. Supplements are also generally unnecessary except as a handy way to sell you more crap which will likely serve only to put your body out of balance. True homeostasis is achieved by eating right for our human anatomy and by protecting/promoting our inner terrain.

I absolutely follow a 100% plant-based way of eating for ethical reasons. It is also a huge benefit to my health overall and I lack nothing/I have no deficiencies. Do I eat some ‘unhealthy’ plant-based foods? Yes. I am not stating that every single person will choose to follow the ‘ideal’ perfectly. But again, what I am saying is we MUST start with the truth and let people have the choice based on knowing the true information available. Some people WILL choose to change, there are literally thousands of testimonials of people who have dramatically improved their health and therefore their quality of life. All people deserve the chance for wellness if it exists for them.

Dr. Anthony Lim – great short videos – doctors are often in awe as they realize the truth!

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Every sentence I write sparks a new thought – a new detail I could share. It would be many pages to even address the dire situation we are in with gross misinformation and the overall terrible state of health of most people. But no matter how much info or how many links I include on this post it won’t make a difference. My peers will either do the work it takes to learn, or they won’t and they will go on wreaking health havoc and behaving questionably ethically – whether intentional or by chosen ignorance – as they are making a huge omission of information that might help the patients they are obligated to in their role as their professional medical guidance. 

People look to medical professionals for help. For a possible answer. We have one - and it’s incredibly simple - but we don’t seem to care. Most I have spoken to have dismissed me outright and go on with their infliction of suffering - the never-ending disease-perpetuation industry of injecting and prescribing and cutting. Sadly, all that means to me is they don’t really care about you or your family. That is discouraging. Frankly, it is also incredibly appalling. The info is out there, but the very last thing they want is for doctors and nurses to be truly well-informed and overcome the ruthless control of Big Pharma and Big Ag in their practice.

"Doctors should be criticized and penalized for using drugs and surgery when a change in diet and lifestyle would achieve similar or even better medical outcomes.”
~ John McDougall, MD

It is critical we come to understand how ALL medical professionals are fully complicit in the ever-rising rates of ALL diseases. How we are actually the #1 killer out there - by far. An informed medical professional can truly change the world for someone in ways they never thought possible. I have seen it for myself many times. But instead, we are encouraged to follow their nutrition-ignorant drug-prescribing, endlessly injecting, knife-wielding guidelines and remain mindless Big Pharma and Big Ag and Big Corporation profit-generating slaves. It doesn’t have to be this way. is an intro. There is much more to be learned. But it’s a start. Then tell your doctor, nurse, peers, etc. We can begin to resolve the ongoing - and ever-worsening - health crisis immediately, if we choose to do so.

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“Physicians will often advise patients to follow the dietary guidelines put out by the USDA, which turns out to advocate much more for farmers and their profits than it does for human health. The dairy and meat industries are powerful influences on the guidelines while the kale lobby is, well, nonexistent. In addition, doctors are barraged by the same media as the general public, with its confusing frenzy of changing diet theories which are mostly put out to sell a book or a product. It is highly likely, therefore, that you (even if you are just starting your investigation of a whole food, plant-based diet) know more about the role of diet on health than your physician…While this is completely unacceptable, please don’t be too hard on your doctor. Very few doctors are in it for the money or status; most work long hours under difficult conditions because they really want to help people. They are doing their best with the education that they have received. So the next time you see your doctor, consider dropping off a copy of Forks Over Knives (along with a compassionate hug)! At some point your doctor is going to have to face the fact, just like I did, that much of the medical misery he’s spent his life patching up could have been prevented if he had told his patients how important a whole-food, plant-based diet is for health. And it will not be a good day for him.”
- Dr. Kerri Graff
Most Doctors Want You to Get Healthier, and are not in Bed with Big Pharma